We're Having a Kid

It's official....Sarah is pregnant. We found out last week that she is around 5 to six weeks along. It looks like we'll have a little guy/girl around the first of March next year.
Just before Sarah and I were set to paint the new duplex (1800 square feet of fun), she told me that she thought that she may be pregnant. This meant that I had several hours/days of painting on my own. I hate painting and at first I thought that she made the whole thing up to get out of the work. 4 pregnancy tests later confirmed that she was in fact pregnant. It is not confirmed (yet) that I am the father and I will not pay a dime until a have 100% verification (hey, I'm not going to end up on Maurie Povich or Jerry Springer in 10 years in a show titled, "You paid for my kid for the last 10 years, sucker"). We made the announcement to our families on the 4th and I think they were all pretty happy (and a little shocked).
Sarah and I are both excited about it too. She has been feeling pretty good so far other than she a little more tired than usual and she has heartburn a lot. I too am tired a lot though.
I have to be honest when I say that I am pretty freaked out and scared about the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, I want a kid; but, I know nothing about being a father and I can't fathom being very good at it. Before you go and try to tell me that I'll be fine, just consider these points:
1. Kids don't like me. Ask them, they'll tell you.
2. I've never held a baby standing up (I don't know that I ever held either of my sisters kids when they were babies --- I was forced to hold Lily while sitting down in the hospital)
3. When I try to communicate with kids, they look at me like I'm an idiot.
4. I have a hard time accepting the fact that kids make messes. It's trivial, but it bothers me.
5. Kids are expensive and time consuming.....I am cheap and self-centered. This means that my kid will be wearing clothes that are two sizes to small so I could save a few bucks on the outfit and I will miss the majority of their activities because I will be doing my own things....such as hunting.
6. I'm nice to other peoples kids, but I'll probably be too candid with my own. For example, when he/she brings home a finger painting with all the colors swirled around and it's supposed to be a family portrait but it looks like a big glob of crap, I'm going to tell them that their art skills leave much to be desired and they should work on getting a lot better before I'll even consider putting it up on the fridge.
7. I'm immature and a bad influence. What hope will my kid have?

On the flip side, I'm really excited at the idea of what the kid could be. I started thinking last week (while painting) about what the kid could become. What if he/she is the next Einstein? What if he discovers the cure for cancer? It's pretty cool to think that he/she could make an unbelievable contribution to the world........something amazing! You never know the possibilities.


Anonymous said…
daniel you will be a great dad!! no matter what you think! you guys will be great with a kid!
Brad & Courtney said…
Congratulations to you both! We can't wait to meet the little one! It is so much fun! Brad might even agree!
Mary Ann said…
Congratulations, you guys! Whatever kind of dad you may be Daniel, I'm sure Sarah will be an awesome mom & pick up the slack ;-)
Anonymous said…
Have the parternity test done as soon as the baby is born. Things are so crazy at that time that Sarah will never know you did it. For some reason women get really mad when their husbands request a test to be sure...
Anonymous said…
Daniel, I am so very happy for both of you. In case you don't know who this is, I am your mom's cousin you gave me this web page at Uncle Norm's funeral, and I get on it all the time. You are one funny guy!!
Unknown said…
That's fantastic news! We're so excited you and Sarah are going to be parents. Misery loves company . . .

Anonymous said…
Thanks everyone for the encouraging words! Feeling good so far, just praying everything goes well these next 8 months or so. Daniel is freaked out a little I can tell, but we are both excited too. He is going to make a great Dad. Hopefully this will make him relax a little more around other children and not be so uptight... waiting for them to spill something, touch something with their sticky hands, or move something out of place :)
Anonymous said…
We can't wait to have our revenge for all the times you were a bad influence on our children. Noisy toys,chocolate after eight, hum what else do you have to look forward too?
Anonymous said…
Getting down on all fours and imitating a rhinoceros stops babies from crying. I don't know why parents don't do this more often. Usually it makes the kid laugh. Sometimes it sends them into shock. Either way it quiets them down. If you're a parent, acting like a rhino has another advantage. Keep it up until the kid is a teenager and he definitely won't have his friends hanging around your house all the time.
Anonymous said…
Congrats to both of you!

Daniel, dont be surprised when you get screwed over at the baby showers and hospital...the baby and Sarah will get all the gifts...
Anonymous said…
A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be.
Anonymous said…
Its good to know somebody in our family is getting some action....way to go Daniel! I really didn't think you had it in you!

No seriously...Congrats to the both of you.
Anonymous said…
Congrats! i think you are right that you will suck, but i do and my kids turned out alright. one is the top of her class and the other, well... he is good a fishing.
Anonymous said…
Congrats guys ! i know its kinda late, Tonya just mentioned it like 3 days ago . But good luck, even though I'm sure you won't need it !

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