Brains over Brawn
A lot of us saw a great fight last week --- where Forrest Griffin beat the current UFC light heavyweight champ (and man I challenged to fight) Rampage Jackson. Griffin was an underdog in the fight mainly because of Rampages punching power. But, it turned out to be a David vs. Goliath story with Forrest winning a unanimous decision. It was pretty classic as Forrest showed that skills and a game plan beat brawn, and brains can rule over rampaging strength.
Rampage went on to do another stupid thing yesterday when he hit several vehicles in a giant F-250 truck with a picture of himself and his name on it (way to be low key about it all and not make your vehicle stick out). Here's a good tip, if you use a vehicle that is involved in a crime, don't put a picture of yourself on it. It's looking like he could rack up a felony charge or two. I'm loving all of this because I called Rampage a punk and an idiot over a year ago after watching his video tirades. I agree that he is a good fighter and has talent, but he is without question an idiot. He was arrested at gun point after stopping his vehicle and surrendering to police after a five minute chase. Way to shower the sport with all kinds of negative publicity.

If he was smart he would have targed the mexicans who would have been to scared to call police...
Now, getting put in the hosp the day after this incident for a psych evaluation is another story...