Learn to Ski: 101

In this week's session of "How To", we feature Zach teaching us all how to swallow a big load of water while skiing. (insert your own Zach swallowing joke here) The wipe out is awesome.  Notice that he falls back and smacks the water and then keeps a hold of the rope and is pulled forward and plants it face first.  I give it an 8.5 out of 10. You can hear my enthusiasm in the background....


Creepy_Pervert said…
Wow...Zach swallowing twice in one encounter! I think his record is three times in one day, though.
Another_Weirdo said…
Speaking of swallowing....did you hear the one about the man who swallowed his Viagra too slowly? He got a stiff neck.
Cap'n Crunch said…
Usually they swallow so it doesn't get on their face but not Zach, he swallows and takes it on the face!
Sarah said…
Taking it like that usually leaves me with a sore throat!
the real sarah said…
Nice. Ok perverts... I did not leave the last comment. Funny that someone used my name though. Should I blame Brian or my husband?

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