Welcome To the Jungle

Here are a few of our zip line videos from the jungle in Costa Rica.

I cried like a little girl until Sarah slapped me in the face and told me to stop being a nancy boy. We were up around 150 feet on a few of the platforms. Most of the platforms were wire mesh that were supported by cables that were attached to the tree limbs. I trusted the cables, but I didn't exactly trust the tree limbs. Plus, I'm pretty sure that the people there did no safety checks/inspections and OSHA is non-existent down there. I had a strong urge to give them a good risk management lecture, but I thought better of it when I realized that my life was in their hands once we got up in the tree tops.
Actually, it was all pretty cool. We rode horses up the side of the mountain and then did the zip lines. It was worth every penny. There were a few minutes when we had to pack about 15 of us up on a really high platform and everyone started freaking out, but other than that, it was cool.


Hey Jason, we never talked about any site where I could make extra cash. And by the way, you were never making $900 extra a month. You are some broke loser that sits at a computer all day and sends out solicitations on other people's blogs. You are more than likely bald and grossly obese, and probably a pedophile.

Do the world a favor and cover yourself in gasoline and then light a match.

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