The Newest Members of the Pigg Family

The Pigg Family got two new additions this week.  To date, they don't have names, so we'll call them Goat 1 and Goat 2 just to keep it simple.  Some creative name suggestions would be appreciated.  How great is the look on the goats face below.  This is a great picture for a caption contest (let the games begin!).
Also, enough with the jokes about me being the father.  I've heard that one 23 times now.  And to set the record straight, I was out of town around the time that they were conceived.
 They were born a few days apart by separate mothers and both seem to be doing pretty well so far.
I'm sure that they would love some company from anyone that wants to visit and experience the goat madness at Papa and Mama Pigg's house.


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