ABC's and Insurance?

We're closing in on another Happy (or maybe not so happy) Friday. This was India's first full week at daycare. Her teachers said that she settled in pretty good. And, she is apparently always the first kid to sit at the table and say "eat, eat" every time they come in from playing. So, she has that going for her....which is nice. Next week they start to learn their colors. This should be an interesting year for her.
Maybe this guy should concentrate more on his ratings and performance and less about know. I would expect this from Bill Clinton, but Obama too? Nice! I guess we're all human.

Did anyone else catch Rambo on Spike this week. Sylvester Stallone may be 90 years old, but he can still smoke 200 Burmese soldiers with his bare hands while giving the 200 yard stare. Another good movie in the Rambo line. I give it 4 Rambo survival knives up. Stay tuned for this week's reader submission and my lobster tale.


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