A balding, middle-aged man, with a belly

This is classic:
First of all, nice choice of headline("suspect looks like other men"....are you kidding? Is this the best they could come up with?).
Further, my hat is off to the detective here. He or she is really putting in the investigation time. They should find this guy sometime next century with the release of this detailed description.

I'm just going to go back over a few the details for you, 1) you have a complete body profile (age, height, weight, etc.) on file from the looney bin that he was previously in, and 2) you have profile pics from his previous lineups. All of this information and the best you can come up with is: "he blends in and looks a lot like other guys". I'm pretty sure that it was this type of detective work that led to OJ going free.

Seriously, look at this guy.....are you going to mistake him for your neighbor? Are we really supposed to believe that this guy looks like tons of guys out there?
The only person you would confuse him with is the pedophile dressed as santa clause that stands on the street corner begging for money near Christmas time.


The Ramboles said…
Hopefully this guy will wear a backwards baseball cap so his bald head won't burn.
mary said…
daniel, you need to get on facebook and look at WTF,Terre Haute. they are giving you a run for your money.

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