No Baby Yet

I figured since Daniel has not made a post in awhile, I would give you all the baby update.  No baby yet!  Still waiting... my due date is this Saturday, Feb. 28. We are excited for her to get here and for me, that could not come soon enough. I am ready.  I am ready to say goodbye to this heartburn that keeps me awake and sleeping upright all night and the nasal congestion I have had for the last 9 months. Oh and I am ready to say goodbye to the extra 30 pounds of weight I have been carrying around. Not that it will come off right away.

On a more positive note, we cannot wait for her to arrive and once we see her face, we can hopefully decide on a name and stop calling her "Baby Girl Pigg." We go to the doctor tomorrow morning  and will hopefully know more then.



Unknown said…
We can't wait to meet her. Adelaide needs a new friend.


PS- send me your email and other contact information to my email when you get a chance.
Anonymous said…
I hop on your blog pretty often, thanks for posting...kinda tired of seeing those taco's.LOL Your husband is pretty hilarious!

Just want you to know i'm thinking of you girl! Best of luck!

BTW, I adore her space...the P.B. butterfly mobile is the best i've seen!

not sure if my blog will show up below {i'm new to blogger} but, it is

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