My World --- You're Living In It

Is anyone else feeling swamped at work and at home. I have lately. The bad thing is, it's not that I can't handle it, it's just that I've been lazy lately. I'm not going to make's definitely pure laziness and lack of mental effort on my part. Sometimes when we realize that we can just skate by going through the motions it leads us to accepting average and sitting back and eating twinkies all day long and finding reasons to complain about stupid things like how it hasn't rained in two weeks or how we wish we had more money or time. I know that life is what I make it. I haven't been shortchanged in life. I have a lot. Job....check. House....check. Wife....check. Kid on the way...check.
This is My World --- You're living in it. I control what happens to me and the people around me. My actions cause reactions.
People laugh at positive affirmations like this all the time, but they can influence your attitude and outlook on life.
I don't sit around all day thinking of all the things that have or will go wrong in my life. I usually think of the good things and how fortunate I am to have what I have.
Despite this, I sometimes fall into a funk where I need some time to vent and re-align. So, here are a few of the things that have been on my mind lately......

Topic 1: I have a kid on the way. This scares me. I'm excited and scared. My only thoughts lately are that I will probably be a horrible father. I read articles online about it and try to take peoples advice that it will be different when I have my kid, but it is hard to say at this point. Remember, I really am the guy who doesn't care about your kids crappy artwork. It's not good. It will never be good. And, if my kid did it, it still wouldn't be good.

Topic 2: I'm not going to lie, I dodge phone calls from people just because I don't feel like talking. Don't take it personal, I don't discriminate or single anyone in particular out....I dodge calls from everyone. Hey, if I don't want to talk then I don't. And, Sarah harassed me last month about going over on our cell phone bill. I guess I need to conserve minutes. (And everyone thought that I was the cheap one).

Topic 3: I've been drifting off lately when people tell me about their day and their issues. The truth is, I haven't really cared about what your day is like. I don't even care much about what my own day is like. Again, this goes back to just skating through life with minimal effort. I admit, I can be pathetic at times. If you think I'm staring off into space when talking to you or you hear a silence on the phone, don't give me the benefit of the doubt...realize that I really am staring off into space or probably wondering about how long you are going to continue to talk.

Topic 4: I turn 30 and celebrate my 4th anniversary next week. Age doesn't bother me. I'm still in my prime. What bothers me is that I haven't hit a few of my goals. I need to set new goals and re-evaluate things. (I guess I should have time for this since I'm dodging so many calls and sitting around eating twinkies.....(I would make goal #1 to stop sitting around and eating twinkies, but then I wouldn't have any time to set anymore goals. You can see how this whole thing is a vicious cycle).

Topic 5: Deer season is sneaking up on us and not a minute too soon. There is something really nice about being out in the woods by yourself with nobody to bother you and no worries. What a great feeling. I can get this feeling from hunting and running. Maybe the rest of life is too cluttered with all of the details and fine print. We'd probably be better off as a society if we all hunted and ran. There is a lot to be learned from a treestand or a 5 mile run.


Anonymous said…
I called you 10 minutes ago and you didnt answer... Jerk...
Anonymous said…
Sounds like your living life in a drunken haze.......but knowing you its probably a "Vitamin A" haze (asprin).
Abby said…
trust me, you'll care about your kids crappy artwork.
Anonymous said…
Lord have mercy, just need a group hug. You will be a great dad..don't overthink it. Take some time off with your beautiful pregnant wife and your sweet dog. Enjoy the moment.
Love ya, Della

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