Will this campaign ever be over?

We can all breathe a sigh of relief that primary election day is finally here. I'm so tired of all of the political TV ads, signs, and radio spots that I'm starting to not care what happens as long as I know the whole thing is over. Both sides are running ridiculous campaigns. The amount of money that they raise and spend is crazy and so are their tactics to smear each others reputation. This election will come down to voting for the lesser of two evils. Let's be honest though, the President doesn't run the entire country. There is the House and the Senate; oh yeah, and then there are those special interest groups that pull a lot of weight because of the little thing that really runs the country....money.

I think all of the candidates are bright and could do an OK job if elected; however, I wish that they would quit the political show that they always put on and just get down to the issues and just let us know if they are going to screw us or not. If gas isn't going down in price, just say it. If we aren't pulling out of Iraq, just say it. If the economy is in the tank, just say it. If our health care system needs totally re-worked, just say it. If we are losing the battle on immigration, drugs, and proper education, just say it. These are all things that we all (should) know and there is no reason to sugar coat the truth.

Also, how do you like the fact that each candidate pretends to be a normal blue-collar American. Let's be honest, 98% of us won't make $1,000,000 or more a year. Most of the millionaires I know aren't everyday blue-collar workers. They are far from that. I think it's fine that the candidates are upper class and I would like to think that the potential President is far superior to me in intelligence, networking, social status, wealth, etc. But, why pretend that you are an average guy/girl when you're not?

I'm rambling on. Sorry.


Anonymous said…
Love the supporting images of your post!
Anonymous said…
the dog raped bill clinton and bill clinton liked it!

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