Book'em Danno!

With all of the travel excitement, I've missed out on a hot local topic that I should have been all over. (thanks for reminding me Mary)

(Ex) Local teacher and (Ex) West Vigo basketball coach Tommy Thornton was booked yesterday on a few interesting sexual misconduct charges.

Things aren't looking to good for Tommy, unless you consider the fact that he'll get a free place to live and 3 meals a day for the next few years. And, he can work on perfecting his shank making skills. And, he can get a free prison college degree (compliments of all of us taxpayers). And, he can probably get a sweet "transitional" apartment after his release that will allow him to reintegrate into society (also compliments of us taxpayers)

I'm getting ahead of myself though. The trial isn't until late October and it's still "Innocent until proven guilty". Plus, they probably don't have enough to convict him.....1) Witness recounts and testimony of the situation, 2) graphic emails, 3) graphic text messages, and 4) similar inappropriate conduct accusations from other individuals..............................wait a minute, I think that may be enough to convict. Maybe the glove won't fit (Norm would have liked that glove joke, he loved the OJ Simpson trial ---- "If the glove don't fit you must acquit").

Here is the Tribune Star link:

A popular quote from Tommy that I can imagine being said during the trial, "Sure she's a Freshman, but she reads at a Sophomore level".


Anonymous said…
be careful when you talk about the girl. you never know who's sister or daughter you are talking about. let's 'pinky swear' not to tell!!!!
Anonymous said…
The "pinky promise" might have worked on the 7 year olds he was banging, but at 17 years old you have to push the line and tell them you will kill their family if they tell. Child suduction 101.
Anonymous said…
On my above post please add the word "ALLEGEDLY!!"

"If he could have kept his dick in his pants for one more year....ALLEGEDLY......"
Anonymous said…

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha........
Anonymous said…
but i liked him!! he was kool!

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