Oh Captain, My Captain

This post has been modified. The original photo has been replaced with a stock image.....

Has anyone taken a good look at the people who are flying us around these days? I'm sure you probably think they're old grey hairs who are mature and have tons of experience........if you think this, then you are totally wrong.
Case in point: take a look at newly appointed Captain Brian.

By examining the picture that was forwarded to me by an anonymous source, we can all see what really goes on in the cockpit while Brian is flying. Personally, I'm a little scared about flying the "friendly skies" with Brian at the helm.

Brian's convinced that he can handle it though and when asked about the picture, he simply stated, "That's how we roll in my cockpit".


Anonymous said…
I hope that the last comment was posted by Somer and not Denny Mac or Zach!

Did anyone notice those white legs? You need to prop those legs up in the cockpit on your next flight.
PiggHunter said…
I can assure you I did not post the first comment. I like black men... I mean women! I like WOMEN!!!

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