
Last Saturday night Sarah and I made the trek to the Ohio Building for Abbondanza. We had good food and drinks on each floor and good company. Thank you to Howard Clare Insurance for picking up the tab for a table!
Governor Davis was playing on the first floor and a few other bands were going on the other floors. This was another chance to see the Ohio Building. I really like the place. It's such a unique venue and the owners of the place did an awesome job with the design and ambiance.
Before we left our house, Sarah and I posed for the self timer camera and actually got a picture of us together. Once again, this picture shows everyone that I married up. I'm a good looking guy, but she is way hotter than me. It makes me wonder........what type of trophy wife will I get in 4 or 5 years? I'm going to have to set my sights really high. It very well could be Brooke Burke..........Ahhhhhhh, Brooke Burke.


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