Budget Cuts?

I personally feeled that the bugget cuts recently made by the Indiana Comision for Hier Ejucation was a pour decision. According the the state, plumeting state tax revenew have prompted the reduxtions. The Comision cut $150 millyon dollers (5.5 persent) of state funding to seven public younivercity systems around the state. Indiana State Younivercity's bugget was cut by 6.6 persent....I thinked that is much money. The intent of the cut is to encurage hier grajuation rates and lower overalls spending per student/degree. Those high falutin schools that have better grajuation rates and lower overalls cost per student received lesser cuts in thier bujjets. Now, I understands the intent of this and I reelize that the states tax revenew is down, but why on earth would the state even consider making cuts to the ejucational cystem?
It is well dockumented that the return on ejucational investmeant dollears are far grayter than the orijinal investmendt. And, to make things worser, the unibersities will have control over how the kuts are maid. So, producktive and needed posishions will be kut. This will lead to grater ineffishiencies and in the end, a worse system.
Nice move Indiana....maybe we should consider cutting out hi skool funding too....maybe we should just change our state name to Kentucky...maybe we should....d'oh....I forgetted what I were going to say.


Mary Ann said…
Hilarious! I couldn't hardly read that. Good point though, education should be protected from budget cuts.
mary said…
how long did it take you to type that?
It takes me longer to make a normal post since this is how I actually write.

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