Darn Rain

We had our first rain day yesterday.  We have been really lucky to have great weather so far.  It's a major letdown when you get home (knowing it has rained all day) and you find that no progress has been made. 
It should be like high school sports --- the work/game should go on as long as there isn't lightning.
The garage is now framed in and decking was put on Wednesday.   The garage is awesome. The walls are almost 12' tall!
 The network of supports inside is pretty crazy. 
This is the view from our kitchen looking at where our pantry (left), laundry room (middle), and bathroom (right) will be.   The second floor framing will be started shortly.

If I find out who did the rain dance, there will be serious trouble.   The rain only held us up a day, so might let it slide this time.
Today, the sun is shining even though it's a chilly 65 degrees.  This is great working weather in my opinion.


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