Happy Birthday(s)

It has been a crazy time for birthdays lately. Last week, we celebrated Diane's 34th birthday over at Tuscany (your welcome for the help in age Diane). The food and company were great. Happy Birthday Diane!

Last weekend, we had Lily's 2nd birthday Tea Party at Denny and Tara's. They had so much food and everything was decked out with pink. They are much better at this parenting thing than Sarah and I. We'll be lucky to remember cake and ice cream for India's first birthday party. It was great to see everyone who we don't get to see much. Denny and Tara: you can thank me later for the loud electronic drum set that I picked out for Lily.
This week, we had Tom's birthday. I think it was a private celebration involving only Mary and Tom. I don't even want to know what goes on behind those doors....I will say this though, I bet they found a way to work the cake and ice cream into the "celebration". Happy Birthday All!
And, don't forget that a certain young lady will celebrate her 29th birthday this Saturday. I wonder who it could be???


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