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Well, it has been a rough week at the office. My computer crashed (motherboard fried) last week and I have been without access to anything for good while. The good news is that my new computer is in and most of my material has been or is being restored. There is the possibility that my contacts and email information will be lost. As a favor to me, could you please send me an email with your contact information so I can add the information. Right now, it's not looking good for my retrieval of my contact/appointment list. It will be a slow process getting everything back, but I'm working on it. It makes me think of the "PC Load letter" scene in Office Space where they take the printer into a field and then go nuts on it.....classic. I apologize to everyone that hasn't received email responses or updates from me over the last week. Like I said, the good news is that I'm back now and ready to get rolling again. Also in my absence, the Colts handed the Patriots a sweet defeat. I'm not going to lie, I really thought that New England had us beat (stupid Patriots), but then Bill BelliCHEAT gave us a great gift (stupid Billicheat). Look at our crew above....we make this look good.


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