Still the King of the Forest!

Ever wonder what creeps around in the shadows near your place? Ever heard the "experts" say that all the stories of people seeing these animals are totally false?
As reigning King of the Forest, I can tell you that you might not want to know what's really out there....watching you. Keep your eyes open for the big cats that run around in your woods....they are out there.
This cat is truly an elusive animal and very beautiful. You don't see many of them and you rarely have a shot on one. With deer season just one short day away, I thought this would fire up some of the hunters who will be heading out to bag a trophy.


Anonymous said…
Aw....looks like a cuddly little kitten!
mary said…
i am loving the hat. what did you do with the cat?
Brad & Courtney said…
Is it legal to shoot a bobcat?
sarahpigg said…
Yes, Daniel. Is it legal to shoot a bobcat?
Brad & Courtney said…
I'm calling the DNR, poacher.
It's legal to hunt them in 26 states; including Tennessee, Kansas and Wisconsin here in the midwest.
Anonymous said…
Why did you kill the cat??? He probably was not hurting you, Right!!
What did you do with it after you killed it?
Jerry(OK Della)
I'mk going to tell your mom**

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