Silencing the Critics
I'm reading over the latest comments on the blog and I can't help but be a little upset at the few followers that I thought I had. I mean, just because I'm a little busy taking care of business lately and a little bit behind on posts, you all want to string me up and complain about how uncool I am. I'm unhappy with your decision to criticise my actions (or lack of action in regards to posting), but I'm not going to single you all out and threaten to beat you all like Ike beat Tina (but I probably should).
So this morning I'm driving to a meeting and Sabotage by the Beastie Boys starts playing. It rocked pretty good and I realized that I should probably get back on here and silence the few followers (turned critics) that I have. The Beastie Boys are a very wise crew and you have them to thank for me getting the blogs posts going again and not just using this as a public forum to single each and every one of you out and try to destroy you both personally and professionally.
So...........for what it's worth, I guess I'm officially back.
So this morning I'm driving to a meeting and Sabotage by the Beastie Boys starts playing. It rocked pretty good and I realized that I should probably get back on here and silence the few followers (turned critics) that I have. The Beastie Boys are a very wise crew and you have them to thank for me getting the blogs posts going again and not just using this as a public forum to single each and every one of you out and try to destroy you both personally and professionally.
So...........for what it's worth, I guess I'm officially back.