A lot of people go to college for 7 years!

Sarah is officially finished with school. Her "final show" was last week and went great. As you can see, the majority of work for her final show was for the Terre Haute Children's Museum. Sarah designed new signage, a new logo, a new website (that is awesome), and the way finding system for the new museum that will be built this year.
She seems to think that she'll have tons of extra time now that she's finished, but I disagree. Between and work and life in general, you are always busy.
I doubt Sarah will go through the official graduation ceremony at ISU (you can all thank me now for not having to sit through it). Now that she has her M.F.A., she can teach at the collegiate level or do other things that relate to her area of expertise. Out of my own selfishness, I strongly suggest that she becomes the new designer for Colt's Cheerleaders posters and merchandise (can you say in home photo sessions?). Thanks to everyone who joined us at the show and for dinner.


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