The West T Fire Prevention Parade

Does it look like my kid enjoyed the fire prevention parade?
It was really surprising. Sarah and I both thought that the sirens would be way too loud for India and Allyn, but they both loved it. They raked in some great candy and got to see every fire truck from the surrounding areas and hear their annoying sirens. It was pretty cool.
In a related story, several fires burned out of control in surrounding counties that same night.
And, Jesse James made an appearance.....I thought he passed on years ago???
I thought it was pretty clever how he uses the old school lettering for his name.


Anonymous said…
What happened to Wyatt Earp? Did he finally retire or did Jesse take him out old school?

By the way, Chuck wants you to think that he said that so it's our secret!

Can't wait to see everyone at Thanksgiving!!! Julia
I think Wyatt runs next term. Apparently Jesse is the man this election.

Yeah, can't wait to see you next month. Also, I need to plan a trip up your way to see the roller derby!

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