Happy 1st Birthday!

It's hard to believe that our little girl is a year old. That's right, India turns 1 tomorrow. We are having a small "get together" today. India won't have a clue what is going on other than that a lot of people are there. She likes to socialize like her dad, so she'll have a great time. Sarah has made tons of great stuff for the party and created a "Pretty in Pink" theme. She is so much more creative than I am. The best idea I could come up with is this Chuck Norris birthday cake..

What says Happy 1st Birthday better than a Chuck Norris birthday cake? Nothing.

Only a few more short hours of preparation before we can start setting up the food and pretty pink decorations. Just a reminder that anyone who brings a toy that makes noise will be turned away at the door. Also, there is a $5 cover charge for single men; but as usual, single ladies get in free.


punkersdanielle said…
This made me laugh so hard!! Pretty in pink with church norris! Way to be!!
Mary Ann said…
Happy birthday to India! I am so glad for India's sake that Sarah is around to keep you under control, Daniel!
Anonymous said…
who is CHURCH norris?

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