Without reading ahead, does anyone know who said these words:
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
"Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them."
"Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them."
The late Henry Ford spoke these words several years ago. I find both of these quotes pretty ironic given the dire situation faced by Ford, GM, and several other auto manufacturers. Does anyone else think it's time for these companies to see the writing on the wall and get back to what made them successful when they started (when they had a great leader in Henry Ford)? Apparently our government still does not see the writing, because our only solution is to throw more (of our) money at the problem. Surely a business can't continue to operate inefficiently and lose money forever, right? So far, it seems that it can. Maybe Ford and GM should employ the WWHD approach.......What Would Henry Do! WWHD about the companies and their operations? I think he would cut executive positions and salaries, kick executives off of the corporate jets, and look for new ways to compete with our foreign competitors who have been handing it to us for several years now. WWHD about unions? I think he would give them a simple for this fair amount or don't work at all. WWHD about dealers? I think he would tell them that there doesn't need to be a dealer on every corner and that they need to stop building dealership buildings that resemble the Taj Majal. A car dealership can operate in a much more modest building.
This is just my 2 cents though. What do I know?