Hoosier's Roll Penn State

It was a great (but long) weekend for all of us that united this last weekend. We kicked it off on Friday night at The Slippery Noodle by watching live Blues music. From there, we made the mandatory trek to White Castle and then to Broad Ripple to "rock the Casba". Saturday morning came very early for us as we had to meet Dave and Pam Dailey at Nick's in Bloomington for lunch. It was an unbelievable time that was highlighted by a long, excruciating game of "Sink the Biz". Pam and I got dominated by the other players, which made for a great time....for everyone else. However, I did have what was referred to as "one of the greatest pours in the history of the game".
We then bounced around a few places and found ourselves at the IU versus Penn State game for senior night.....GO HOOSIERS! The game was AWESOME. We worked Penn State over and my partner in crime sitting next to me (Moore) caught a free t-shirt. He did knock an old lady over to get it; but hey, I think we can all respect that. The night ended with us at the Bluebird watching Dave and Rae tear up the stage. On a side note, Dave and Rae may make an appearance at Pigga-Palooza next year...stay tuned.


Neil Dailey said…
You failed to mention anything about the foul disgestive reaction that you experienced after ingesting draft beer for the first time, while winning (or losing) at Sink The Bismark. I don't think the rest of us will ever forget your ability to clear a room.....Also, making it down to the football field to "defend the rock."
You're right, I was in a zone that night. The whole bar knew who I was by the end of the night.

And, I should have mentioned our victory lap that we did on the Hoosier football field.
Anonymous said…
Also don't forget the male dancers, and then the escort service...a great idea to pick the male escort Daniel!! We will love you Roberto...thanks for busting Danny's cherry!!

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