The Sewage Pit is In

Almost all of the walls are erect and it looks like the concrete will be poured on Tuesday or Wednesday. 
This is the view from where the walkout portion of the basement will be.  Actually, this point of view shows a guest bedroom that's located in the basement.  You might be sleeping over in this room in the next year or so when we're done. 
Most of the progress this weekend was the installation of the sewage ejector pit that will tie into the plumbing that runs underneath the basement concrete slab.  We went with the Little Giant pump and pit.  The reviews on it were great and I hope it does a good job.  It's job is to pump the liquids and solids up to 2" (assuming you ate Mexican food) up to the main sewer line that will then run it out to the septic/finger system.
I also worked several hours clearing brush and several more trees that needed to be taken down in order to open up the view of the house (since we changed the angle and position of the house slightly).  It's hot and exhausting work....but it's great to see the progress!


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